Josh Gilman

Christ provides Moses with planes, tanks, helicopters and bombs
on exchange for his friendship and the use of the Holy Land

Mohammed boards a bus, sits down next to a woman with groceries
dynamiting himself and all the passengers into the Promised Land

Buddha says to hell with what Christ thinks
as he begins to build his own nuclear arsenal again

Confucius decides he will be the next deity
to be launched into space

Vishnu hunts down Ganesha in the jungle
kills him and cuts out his tusks to be sold on the black market

Mohammed knows as long as he controls the oil
all other deities are mere mortals

Moses aims uzis at Mohammed's children
armed with stones

Brahma blows up one of his nuclear bombs to threaten Mohammed
so Mohammed blows up one of his own to threaten Brahma

Lao Tzu continues to re-educate ethnic minorities
converting them with new & age-old torture techniques

Christ with honor and pride
stands strong saluting the flag

© 2003 Josh Gilman
Courtesy of Big Scream